

Intelligent Intervention

Video Gallery

Success with Intelligent Intervention!

This video provides a comprehensive overview of Intelligent Intervention.  It provides several examples of unique interactivities that were specifically developed to achieve rapid language acquisition.  Pre- and post-test comparisons are also presented to show the dramatic improvements that students made in reading and writing.  Click on the photo to watch the video.

Video 1 shows an 7-year-old autistic student who has learned to use 14-word sentences to describe a set of animations, after completing just three 15-minute lessons.  Prior to instruction, the student would typically speak with single words or short phrases and was often observed crouching beneath a table in her classroom for much of the year. (This video clip was shown in the above overview and may be skipped to avoid repetition.) Click on the link below.

Video 2 shows a group of 2nd grade English-language-learners reading sentences in which component phrases have been randomly interchanged to increase the level of difficulty.  The ease with which they reorganize the phrases to compose new sentences enables them to read with fluency. Click on the link below.

Video 3 shows independent round-robin reading by the same group of students in Video 2.  Notice the clear intonation, diction and cadence with which the children are reading.  The program effectively eliminates the tendency for slow word-by-word reading and facilitates comprehension. Click on the link below.

Video 4 shows students applying new vocabulary with complete comprehension using sentence frames that they have learned.  This should not be mistaken for mere rote memorization.  Although the students are looking attentively towards the front of the classroom, no visual aids were used in this exercise. Click on the link below.

Video 5 shows the results of effective memory-training used to strengthen students' facility with word retrieval, a key component in developing linguistic proficiency.  Here, students demonstrate their ability to recall 40 advanced vocabulary words in the early stages of the program.  Unlike rote memorization, this is made possible by students' sophisticated use of a context-based animation matrix. Click on the link below.

Video 6 shows second grade students reading their favorite short story that was purposely written at a high school reading level (11.6 GE) to showcase the effectiveness of Intelligent Intervention. Advanced vocabulary like surrealistic, cacophony, diaphanous and iridescent and an interesting theme account for the popularity of the story. (The reading of this story is also featured in the above video, Success with Intelligent Intervention!)

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